Friday, November 27, 2009

Home for the holidays

Yay for not taking forever to update!!!!!!
(Pictures of the furisode are on my to-do list, but right now, there are other things that I working on)

So, its November 27th , Black Friday! For most people, that means going crazy at the local mall, but I have crazy of a different kind- Christmas crazy! Since my family is Christian, we celebrate Christmas every year. This year so shaping up to be a very subdued Christmas, my mother has already finished putting up the outdoor decorations, and in just about an hour, I'm going to start on the indoor ones. I love decorating for the holidays, and while putting our 7.5 foot tree is a lot of work, once its decorated and the gifts are all piled up underneath it, there is nothing more beautiful!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Ahh! It's been so long since I updated!!!!
 EDIT: Obviously, I didn't make it through. I'm trying to keep a positive face about it, and moving on. I can't really say if I will ever apply again, I just don't know right now.
You can read more below, its mostly unrelated. Promise I don't get moody and sad after the cut.